Friday, November 9, 2007

Black Tiger language English


Black Tiger

The Black Tigers are special operatives of the LTTE (proscribed as a terrorist organization by 32 countries including the United States of America And Great Britain) that commit suicide if needed to reach their nationalistic objectives. They are considered to be one of the most lethal and effective suicide groups in the world. More than 330 Black Tigers have died in various actions on land and sea, almost all in Sri Lanka [1]. Their victims include Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa.

Black Tiger History

The first LTTE Black Tiger was Vallipuram Vasanthan, who drove a small truck laden with explosives into a Sri Lanka Army camp in Nelliady, Jaffna peninsula, on 5 July 1987, killing himself and 18 Sri Lankan soldiers. Notable Black Tiger operations are the suicide bombing of the late Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi by a female cadre, resulting in the deaths of herself, the PM and 16 bystanders. The late Sri Lankan president Ranasinghe Premadasa was also assassinated by an LTTE operative, killing 23 others nearby.

Black Tiger song


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